

Analysis and Classification of dermoscopic images for the determination os Skin lesion malignancy risk.

Non-invasive: quantusSKIN is a non-invasive test to predict the risk of malignancy of different skin lesions from a photograph or dermatoscopic image.

Fast: quantusSKIN generates accurate results in just a few minutes.

QuantusSKIN reliability table

  Sensitivity Specificity PPV * NPV *
quantusSKIN 89.6% 85.2% 52.6% 97,8%
* PPV and NPV (Positive Predictive Value and Negative Predictive Value)


An automated support tool is defined as one that requires minimal or no physician intervention to obtain a result. In recent years, research has focused on automatic algorithms to improve current clinical diagnosis based on images. The rise of Artificial Intelligence techniques, and especially Deep Learning techniques, has increased the number of studies using these types of algorithms in diagnostic dermatology.

Several recently published studies provide evidence that detection of malignant dermatologic lesions using trained Deep Learning models can achieve high accuracy in diverse populations and provide quantitative comparisons of how model performance may vary across datasets consisting of glaucoma of different disease severity and ethnicity.

quantusSKIN is presented as a novel Artificial Intelligence method, based on state-of-the-art Deep Learning. Several studies have proven the correlation between the quantitative analysis method proposed by quantusSKIN. The technology is based on performing a quantitative analysis of the texture of the skin Nevus image obtained by means of a smartphone, reflex camera or dermatoscope. This analysis makes it possible to identify patterns associated with specific pathologies and to determine the risk of malignancy of the lesion. According to the literature, the different tests and tools used by the dermatologist give an individual sensitivity of 75-84% (see reference 9 ); while quantusSKIN has obtained a sensitivity of 85.6% in its tests (see reference 16).


quantusSKIN has been designed with a clear focus on the general population, and is intended to be a tool for the detection of malignant skin lesions (melanoma, basal cell carcinoma or squamous cell carcinoma), being of great help in the screening of patients with risk factors and prioritization of waiting lists.


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